
Mar 07, 2024 - 11:16 AM
Etching leads to greater adhesion. In all industries involving coatings, the common practice is to create a surface that is clean, dry, and dull. A dull/etched surface is the practice of creating "tooth" so that the coating has a surface to properly "bite." It is basic physics in practice. There are products on the market that aid in adhesion like powerbond which is a crosslinking coupling agent. Crosslinking coupling agents, such as powerbond, significantly aid in adhesion but there is no substitute for creating a proper mechanical bond by sanding or etching. Etching will lead to a proper mechanical bond while a crosslinking coupling agent, like powerbond, will create the chemical bond. There's advise that's "good enough" and then there's the Sharks Grip way. We will always recommend giving the customer the absolute best, no corners cut, create the mechanical bond by etching/sanding and create a good chemical bond with a crosslinking coupling agent like Powerbond.
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